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Till: Botkyrka Municipal Council

Support the Multicultural Center (MKC) – Stop municipal defunding!

The Multicultural Center (MKC) in Botkyrka is facing a serious threat of defunding. This municipal foundation, grounded by visionary politicians at a time when the municipality became one of the first in Sweden with a majority population of migrant background, has been a beacon of knowledge and understanding about the significance of migration in Sweden, providing valuable insights into the cultural, social, and economic processes that shape our society.
MKC is more than just a museum or research center – it is a vital platform for dialogue and education that strengthens the foundations of democracy and promotes intercultural understanding. A closure would mean an irreplaceable loss for both Botkyrka and Sweden as a whole.
What Would We Lose?
* Invaluable qualitative research and knowledge about the living conditions of migrants and the impact of migration on society.
* Educational programs that counteract fragmentation, inequality, and the erosion of democracy based on migration background.
* Cultural and historical archives that document Sweden’s diverse history.
Long standing local permanence and relation-building in the area, makes it a safe space for difficult discussions
A credible facilitator in managing social conflicts and helping prevent them from escalating into physical violence.
We demand that the Municipal Council at Botkyrka acts to ensure sufficient funding for continued operation for this unique municipal foundation that has contributed significantly to Botkyrka's knowledge-building, reputation and standing over three decades.

Varför är det viktigt?

We Need Your Help!
We urge everyone who values social diversity, democratic pluralism, and knowledge-based societal understanding to support our fight to preserve MKC. By signing this petition, you are showing your support for MKC to continue its important work.

How Can You Help?
* Sign the petition to show broad support for MKC.
* Spread the word to friends, family, and colleagues and encourage them to sign as well.
* Get involved in our activities and events to show concrete support.

Every signature counts. Together, we can show decision-makers how much MKC means to all of us. MKC is an important part of our community and our cultural heritage – let's work together to ensure its future.


2024-05-15 14:26:52 +0200

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