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Call for 8-Year-Old Gelila to Stay in Sweden

Call for 8-Year-Old Gelila to Stay in Sweden

Gelila, an 8-year-old girl born and  who has lived in Sweden for several years, faces the imminent threat of deportation to a country where she lacks safety and a future. Despite having built a life here, attending school, and forming strong friendships, the Swedish Migration Agency has decided to forcibly deport her and her mother from the country. 

This decision violates Article 3 and Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, a text on which Sweden played an active role in the drafting process and ratified in 1990.

Why is this important?

  • Protecting a Child's Best Interests:
    Gelila has successfully integrated into Swedish society. She has learned the language, built friendships, and thrived in her school environment. Deportation would severely disrupt her life, jeopardizing her safety, well-being, and overall development.

  • Upholding the Convention on the Rights of the Child: Sweden is bound by international law, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Deporting Gelila directly contradicts these legal obligations and undermines the country's commitment to protecting children.

  • Humanity and Solidarity: This is not merely a legal issue; it is a matter of fundamental human decency and societal values. Gelila’s friends at school and neighborhood are utterly affected by this decision and stand in solidarity with Gelila and her mother and advocate for a just and compassionate outcome.

We demand the imminent deportation of Gelila and her mother to be halted immediately while the Swedish Migration Agency is reevaluating Gelila's appeal, giving full and proper consideration to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and prioritizing the child’s best interests. Our demand comes amidst the Swedish government's current review of its asylum policies to ensure that the rights and best interests of children are consistently prioritized in all decision-making processes.


Ethiopian Information Service

Contact Information:

Email: [email protected]
Tel: +(46) 720 354 792
Ethiopian Information Service

Varför är det viktigt?

Why is this important?

  • Protecting a Child's Best Interests:
    Gelila has successfully integrated into Swedish society. She has learned the language, built friendships, and thrived in her school environment. Deportation would severely disrupt her life, jeopardizing her safety, well-being, and overall development.

  • Sweden is bound by international law, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Deporting Gelila directly contradicts these legal obligations and undermines the country's commitment to protecting children and this is not merely a legal issue; it is a matter of fundamental human decency and societal values. Gelila’s friends at school and neighborhood are utterly affected by this decision and stand in solidarity with Gelila and her mother and advocate for a just and compassionate outcome.
871 40 Härnösand, Sverige

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2025-01-31 11:33:26 +0100

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